Christian Counseling, Education & Resources

Kingdom Warriors Gala
Eternal Investment
YOU can Give someone the Gift of Abundant Life!
Dream God’s Dream with us and Partner with Heaven's Goals!
We are Believing for a Ministry Training House by the end of the year!
In January 2023, all of our resources and community groups with our newly graduated
interns will be Launched “IN PERSON!!!”
Be A Part of the Dream!
Believe with us, Partner with us, Share in the Vision to Equip the Saints & Populate Heaven!
We believe there are
ONE who will donate $20,000
TWO who will donate $10,000
THREE who will donate $5,000
TEN who will donate $500
within the next THREE WEEKS to make THIS DREAM A REALITY
Changing the trajectory of thousands of lives For Eternity!
After The Rain Ministries is a nonprofit 501(c) 3 corporation.
You will receive a receipt for your donation. In most cases, your contribution is 100% tax
Internal Healing to External Impact!
God is the only one who can take the pains of our past and gives us a
divine purpose.
Romans 8:28