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Broken Made New

Group Counseling Workshop



Injured Souls - Broken Lives - BUT GOD!!!

This workshop is to help you overcome the deeper rooted wounds from the past that you may live Eternity Now. It will equip you to become a more fruitful disciple, discovering and fulfill your God given calling as His child.


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV


Meetings will be in a group setting where ATR’s Certified Counselors will lead the group to read and dissect the knowledge of the weeks topic according to the chapter provided for the day of meeting — Providing an atmosphere of awareness of God’s intended freedom life style to be lived and given opportunity for the Holy Spirit to host revelation through encountering the healing of the truth just learned. ATR Counselors will host a group counseling session to work through the pains that have caused a wounded life lived. 


Each individual will have the opportunity to systematically look at their belief systems that have caused pain and suffering, relational problems, addictions, and the hindrances to fulfilling their God given purpose by aligning them to God’s truth that sets us free by processing through all main relationships and life experiences—Rebooting our belief systems to God’s truth that produces freedom. 


This group will consist of the 14 group counseling sessions, hosted by ATR's Certified Counselors for a total cost of $700 ($50 per group session).


Both options include 12 Broken Made New audio teachings to help you overcome the deeper rooted wounds from the past that you may live Eternity Now. Workshop is open to both men & women.


Mondays — Start Date — July 2024

Hosted via Zoom 6:30-8pm (PST)


Topics of Discussion will Include:

Unhealthy Relationships, Family Roles, Emotional Strongholds, God’s Love, How to Surrender, Breaking the Chains of Denial and Shame, Receiving and Offering Forgiveness, Identity in Christ, Healthy Boundaries, Living Life to the Fullest


Literature to purchase:

The Christian Codependency Recovery Workbook by Stephanie Tucker (available at the link below)



Note from the Founder & Director of ATR


The best investment I ever made was the care of my soul! Everything in life stems from that place of your soul; which is your mind, will and emotions. My impact as a Minister of the Gospel radically changed as I partnered with God in the renewing of my mind and the healing of the wounds of my heart


My healing came as a result of going back to school to become a Christian counselor. Part of the schooling and training was to go through the healing process of (being counseled myself) counseling myself. It was at that time that I realize I was a Wounded Warrior that was making limited impact. I cried out to God with this question “How can I help others when I am so wounded myself?”


He said to me, “We will start with you!” And my life has never been the same!!!


I was radically saved at the age of 20 and never looked back to the world. I went through the school of ministry and served the church in every possible way I could, but when I went back to school and went through my own healing process, I was empowered by the grace of God. It felt like I had been saved all over again. I became FREE in ways I didn’t even know were possible. Today, I live free!!! and I’m able to help others walk in their freedom because Abba started with me


God gave me a new ATR resource which is an all-inclusive group counseling workshop at a price most anyone can afford. This Group Counseling Workshop was created to make the greatest impact in the shortest timeframe that involves all the tools you need to walk out your freedom and victory in Christ Jesus. 


It includes: 

Fellowship — Gathering with the body of Christ which is a command not a suggestion of the Lord. 

For good reason, it holds us accountable and makes learning and growing more enjoyable walking along other believers, we also learn to be interdependent on the body of Christ as we were created to be. We are Stronger together!


Education — The renewing of your mind by replacing the lies with truth alongside other believers who are walking on the same journey with you. 


Group counseling — Walking you through prayer/inner healing with Jesus to touch every wound within your heart. (Note: you will never have to share anything out loud with the group that you don’t want to—But you will still be able to participate in the group counseling as it is a guided group session with you and Jesus.) 


Where there is darkness, lies reside and the enemy has access, but where the light, the truth of God resides, it is a closed door to the enemy.  Jesus said, I am the Light of the world and I will never leave you nor forsake you. He stands at the door and knocks if anyone would let Him in; He promises to come and reside within them.


If you are looking to go to the next level of FREEDOM and IMPACT for the Gory of God 

This is your opportunity!


The Lord says, make the most of every opportunity so I challenge you to Take This Opportunity in Prayer, and ask the Lord if this is your time to dive into the deep with you Lord? If so, I can say with great confidence, Your Life Will Never Be The Same!


God Bless on your journey of healing in Him,

Theresa Dion & The ATR Family

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