Christian Counseling, Education & Resources
My name is Michelle Gray. I am a wife, a mother of five grown children and a grandmother of 12 precious grandchildren. I have been a neonatal registered nurse for 35 years. None of these things would mean a thing if I did not know that I was loved deeply and securely as a child of God.
After The Rain counseling became a part of my life after some dark days in my family. I saw profound change, renewed joy, and healing come into our lives. After participating in this Warrior training I feel that The Lord has called me to help others who struggle with fear, self doubt, anxiety, anger, control, manipulation, codependency and so many other strongholds. My work as a NICU nurse has always focused on mothers. The Lord has given me a Vision of working with young women and mothers who need healing and freedom from these strongholds in their lives!
The work that the Lord does through the beautiful people at ATR is nothing short of amazing. I am so humbled to be a part of this ATR training. I want everyone to know the freedom we have when we know Jesus and experience His Love for us!
I have been a part of the Kingdom Warrior Training for the last six months. Before this training I wasn’t growing in my relationship with God. I was searching for some structure that would help motivate me to stay consistent in the word. Thankfully, I found KWT and these last six months have been incredible. I have built a stronger relationship with the Lord and have gone from glory to glory. Some of the ways I have been equipped to share the Gospel was simply reading the word. I gained so much more revelation of what Christ did on the cross for me. This has been downloaded into my heart instead of just being head knowledge. Therefore, I am able to display the Gospel to a whole other level.
After this training, I feel that God is calling me to open up my own Mens Bible Study. This would be to raise up and help men to become true leaders and for them to know their identity in Christ - that it’s not based off of their strength or knowledge but simply that the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords has created them.
Lastly, would I encourage others to join the KW Training? Yes! Most definitely, this training has changed my life for eternity. I have built a stronger foundation with Christ and I have learned how to display the Gospel to others in a greater capacity. This training will certainly change your life, if you put the work in. It’s all up to you! Will you answer the call?
Before the Kingdom Warriors Training, I was being counseled by After The Rain. Towards the end of my counseling, the Lord asked me if I would consider pursuing becoming a Counselor myself! His timing was perfect. Though I joined a month late, it was evident that I was supposed to be in the Training. The Lord told me there was more healing to come and that He wanted to teach me how to hold both joy and grief, little did I know that my Grandmommy, the woman who helped raise me, would pass towards the end of KWT.
Through the counseling and discipleship resources, I have been able to navigate the mourning process with Jesus in a way that has kept me sustained by His peace and strength. This process is not linear, but the training has equipped me with the tools to give myself grace and receive the love of the Father through it. Grandmommy constantly encouraged me to walk alongside others as they healed and experienced freedom, and that is the vision of ATR and the vision I want to continue to walk in through this next season of my life.
Hi my name is Kamryn! The last 6 months of Kingdom Warrior Training through After the Rain has been a whirlwind and truly special. God has taught me so much that it can be difficult for me to sometimes put into words. Through this time, God has done a lot of uprooting in me with false belief systems, and lies I was believing about myself, and showed me a greater depth of his love. I had just finished counseling through ATR and through these last 6 months, he took everything that he had placed inside of my heart through that time and watered it even more. He was so patient with me and revealed more and more of his character each week. He showed me his divine hand over my life in just getting me to this point and that I don’t have to do anything but come to him as I am and trust him. My word for 2022 is trust and he repeatedly would show me in big and little ways reasons that I could trust him with my whole heart. He constantly told me in different ways that I was more than enough and was so valuable to him. I have gained so much confidence in the gifts he’s placed in my heart and confidence in just being in his family. He has equipped me to give out the compassion and love that he has graciously given to me. He has given me a heart for young women and girls in middle or high school. I just desire to come alongside them and be able to uplift, encourage, love, and support them in ways that I didn’t receive sometimes growing up. He has revealed to me my great love for his word and a deep desire to teach on it. I am so grateful for all that God has taught me and that he has established my steps and I just get the honor to walk it out with him, hand and hand every day.
When I started the Kingdom Warrior training, I didn’t know what I was getting into. I was coming out of a season that left me feeling spiritually and physically weak and because of that I almost convinced myself this wasn’t the right season to join this team. The Lord however, encouraged me to step out in faith and I saw Him work mightily in my place of weakness and need. I was unable to operate in my own strength and was met with the grace of a loving Father and team.
At After the Rain, I finally felt permission to be honest with God and my discipler and counselor about where I was really at and what I needed help with. There was freedom to be honest so that I might be truly healed in those places. There is nothing better than knowing Jesus, and through this training, I have come to know Him deeper and better than I thought possible. The emphasis was never about what we knew but about pressing deeper in knowing God Himself. This team encouraged me to go to levels of depth with the Lord that initially scared me; I know I wouldn’t have gone there without the encouragement and promise that we were seeking the depths of God TOGETHER. I have seen the Lord take layer after layer of perfectionism, pride, fear of man and fear of the future off of my heart. I feel like I have a new and strong heart, like I’m learning to live into the new creation I am.
I am so thankful the Lord encouraged me to step out in my weakness so that I can say with no doubt in my mind that it was the LORD who strengthened me, who did the deep work in my heart, to bring to me to a place of deeper surrender, deeper peace, and deeper intimacy with Him. I am so thankful to God and to every one of you special warriors of the King.