Christian Counseling, Education & Resources
Hebrews 12:29 for our "God is a consuming fire”
Hebrews 1:7 In speaking of the angels he says, "He makes his angels
spirits, and his servants flames of fire."
Flames of Fire Church is a house that feels like your own home. A place of safety where freedom reigns and lives are changed through the power of God’s Word and His grace. It’s a place where each person is seen for the treasures within, and given the guidance and encouragement to mature in those gifts to be used for the glory of God. A place to learn what love is, how to receive grace and to walk in their true identity in Christ Jesus so they can make a difference everywhere they go. It’s a family of brothers and sisters who are all different and unique but that can come together to fellowship in one accord.
As a church we have seen a great need for discipleship and God has moved on our hearts immensely to be an advocate to help fulfill this need in the body of Christ.
Flames of Fire Family is a place of discipleship from the beginning and ongoing in ones walk with the Lord. Once family always family— creating an atmosphere of consistency to support individual growth in the Lord. It’s a place where we celebrate each other’s victories and help each other through our failures. It’s a place where we hold each other accountable and still allow one to make their own choices based upon their own free will. Flames of Fire Family is a slice of heaven here on earth, it’s God’s body on display to the world around us. It’s attractive because it is the essence of how we were created to live.
Many lives have changed at Flames of Fire by encountering the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. A place where Truth and Spirit meet in the middle at the foot of the cross—where there is repentance and also God’s grace and mercy is received to move forward in right standing with God. Flames has made a difference in so many lives including our own. We always share and present the Gospel in each message that all might be saved. Everyone who walks in the door is acknowledged, seen, and embraced. We’ve seen people cry, laugh, share, encourage, rebuke, give, celebrate, rejoice, worship, repent, be restored, receive healing inward and outward and be saved.
We desire to see an army of God that is equipped, unified and flourishing to rise up and go after the things of God. Building His Kingdom with true faith, love, hope, joy and perseverance.
Jeremiah 23:29 “Is not My Word like a Fire?” says the LORD, “And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?”